Wednesday 28 October 2015


The Time Traveller

5: Hollney 18-03-84
There was a certain expectation, I suppose, about the Hollney gig.  Contact had been made, and empirical proof had to be gained.  They said they’d watch out for us, but would they?  Anyone would say anything to people who buy their stuff.  But I think Comfy made a connection, and so did Loffie, to some extent.
Myself and Corakayla - that was all it was ever going to be.  Rest assured there were more than her in my future.  Will be in my future.  I’m still a little shaky on the forward momentum of time for me.  So far it seems to be moving forward, but you never know.  Could flip at any moment.


“You never explained who this Professor Saul H. Rankin is?”
“Was.  He was eminent.”
“In what field?”
“In his field.”
“That’s a little vague.”
The silence was exhausting.
“Come on, just tell me what you’re really working on?”
“I told you Pete.  Time travel.”
“This conversation can last for as long as you need it to.  But you’ve got to be honest, mate.”
“Pete, I’ll show you.  Trust me.”
“You’ve got it here?”
“Of course.  I wouldn't go anywhere without it.”
“Then, lead the way.”
“Wow.  Is that it?”
“I know.  What’s more impressive is what it can do.”
“Prove it.”
“I said prove it.  If it indeed facilitates travel within and through time, prove it.”
“Would you ask an Accountant to prove his figures correct, Pete?  Would you ask an Architect to prove his plans are safe?”
“But they are provable.  This isn’t.”
“Well, then.  Watch this -“
And he did.


I still couldn't believe I was here, the Never Defeated Tour of Eighty Four.  Legendary.  I forget why now, which I’m putting down to residual effects of time travel, but there was a reason.
To a certain extent, it was disappointing, in that there were many more classic songs, such as ‘Please Don’t Hesitate’, ‘In Order’, ‘All Hell Has Broken Loose’ and ‘Brown Shirt White Collar’, all still yet to be written, and I wouldn't hear those for some years to come.  But this was their pinnacle.  This was when they were at their most powerful, influencing a slew of bands to come, simply on the strength of this tour.  It was that important.  But why it was legendary, still eludes me.  Shame.  But then again, it puts me on an even keel with the rest of these WoodHeads.  And I was actually a part of it all.  That, above everything, I could believe the least.
When I decided to embark on this adventure, I’m not sure if I had expected to meet the Woodworms?  That could have been a freak accident.  Time travel has a way of throwing unexpected things as obstacles in front of the traveller.  But if it happened, one could argue it was supposed to happen.  Once something splits time, interlopes within its already finely woven structure, then it naturally follows that it would try and ensure what was supposed to happen would happen.
Mind you, I’ve messed that up already.
Now, I suppose Time has fixed itself with the materials to hand, and in order to do that, it put the Woodworms into my path.  And that’s fine with me.  It’s created a little family for me to explore this timeline with.  Fortune or fate.  In the end I don't suppose it really matters.
“Hey!  That’s Rory Read!” called out Corakayla, as we stood together, clinched.
“Over there!” she pointed, to a middle height man, marked in his unusualness by the simple distinction of his bearded face and his so-called normal clothes, when all around him was leathered up, studded, denimed, and faintly smelling of patchouli oil - miscreants of fandom.
“You seen who’s in tonight?” called Comfy, coming to our position.
“Rory Read!” answered Corakayla.
“It’s only Rory Read!” said Comfy, not hearing a word Corakayla had said.
“We know Comfy!” said Corakayla.
“I should tell everyone else!” said Comfy suddenly.
“No!” insisted Corakayla, “Leave the poor man alone!”
Comfy looked to Rory, then to Corakayla, back to Rory, then back to Corakayla, “Oh, alright!  But you’re not going to stop me from going over and saying hello!”
Corakayla smiled, “You go do that, then, Comfy!” she said.  And so he did.  Rory was not surprised to be noticed, but it did seem he was a little disappointed not to be noticed by more people.  But the quick conversation with Comfy seemed to have straightened Rory’s back a little.  After all, he did write some of the classic Woodrowe riffs in the early days.  He deserves recognition for that, if nothing else.  As Comfy re-entered the crowd, he gave one massive grin and thumbs up to me and Corakayla, before being swallowed up by the throng.
It wasn't until afterwards that we told the others.
“You’re kidding!  Why didn't you get us?” asked Freddie, picking at the soggy chips wrapped in greaseproof paper that I held in my hands.
“We didn't want to swamp the poor man.” explained Corakayla.
“Aww, you could've got us, though Comfy!” moaned Viv.
“They told me not to.” he explained, pointing at me and Corakayla.
“Anyway.  That’s all as maybe.  But - and here’s the clincher - we got noticed by the band!  They did remember us!” enthused Freddie with a grin.
“Nice.” said Corakayla.
“And Comfy got a wink from Susie!” laughed Ippy.
“You lucky sod!” piped in Viv.
“Yeah, yeah, we’ve been over all this - how lucky Comfy is, blah, blah -“ said Freddie with a sarcastic hand puppet of a mouth he made with his fingers and thumb.  Comfy threw him a play punch.
“Are we waiting at the Stage Door tonight, then?” asked Loffie, leaning into the boys to keep warm.
“No.  Let’s play hard to get.  Make them want us.” smirked Corakayla.
“You honestly think that’ll work?” I asked.  Dubiosity be my Slave.
“Of course it will.” said Ippy.  He was in full integration now.
Oh, she smells so nice!  Even from here, even through the greasy chip smell.  Fresh, warm, relevant -
“Well, the Train comes in thirty minutes.  We probably should get moving.” said Corakayla.
And we did.  As one.

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