About James Warhardy

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Writers Write To Be Read - So, Please, Do.

Now, here's a little bit about me...

About the Author

My name is John Wyatt, though I write under the pseudonym of James Warhardy.
I became interested in writing around the age of four when, in order to get rid of a troublesome child, my Dad set me little writing tasks to do.  I enjoyed stretching my imagination, creating a world and inhabiting it, where it was I who could decide what happened, within my universes.
Later, at school, many of my teachers encouraged me with my writing.  When I left school, I set my hands to writing a novel.  When finished, I sent it to a number of Literary Agents, and though I didn't succeed that time, I took from the experience much, mostly the realisation that I needed more life experience in order to write about it with any kind of conviction.
Trouble was, life wasn't going to make it that easy.  After suffering several bad bouts of depression in my teenage years, and into my twenties, which eventually led to a decade of agoraphobia with panic attacks, I decided I had left it long enough, and I had experienced a life that I could explore through my stories.
So I created the persona of James Warhardy, to act as my voice, my narrator, my ego, my confidence, and my strength.

It is Wellsimagination and breadth of description, Salingers grasp of reality in dialogue and prose, and Bukowskis abandonment of style, language and grammar that influences my writing.  That organic style of writing is what suits me best, using varied lengths of fiction to suit and serve the story, not the writer.  Hemingway, too, has a large influence on my writing. There are also others, such as Pratchett, Douglas Adams - in fact there are far too many to mention. I strongly believe in the idea of me being a Storyteller, more than I am a Writer.

Science Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, Horror both bloody and psychological, Contemporary Fiction to name a few - there is very little I wont put my hands to.  Its the inventing of new worlds and putting across their peculiarities, using character, and exploring the possibilities of those universes - the choices are endless, and all exciting to uncover. That's what drives my passions.