Wednesday 9 December 2015

INTERNAL MONOLOGUE: “Be Gentle - It’s My First Blog - Full"

Don’t worry!  There won’t be as much preamble next time! 

A Blog?  What’s so new about that?  Well, It’s about me, so that makes it unique.
This Blog, or at least the long term intentions of it, are about the process, the tips,  the trials, the tribulations and the process of the independent writer and marketing the same - the pain of the process of writing, organically, and the live process of writing, as it’s being written - the trials of a poly-genre writer and designed for people like me and who like me, people starting and unsure if what they’re doing is okay.  If this doesn't interest you, well, thanks for coming this far, but tara!  Nice to have met you!

Right, for the rest of you, here goes…

Last night, I was bereft of ideas, even though currently I have a dilemma, of which of my half dozen running stories I should be concentrating on.  One of them is a long running idea that comes off the shelf every now and then, when I realise or plan something new for it.  I also have a less old story, to which current news leads me to need to comment in some way about what’s going on, and the likely dystopic world it will create - a social commentary.  In fact, the more I think about it, the more I should do the latter - hey, welcome to the process of a writer’s thoughts!  Makes sense, I think.  I’ll tell you more about the story as I write it.  But this is the morning, so I haven’t started yet.

Sometimes, just before falling asleep, that’s when the best ideas come to me (or on the toilet, but less about that) so I always have a notepad next to me.  In fact I always have some way of taking notes for when inspiration hits me.  Last night, nothing.  I was too tired, I expect.  Not scintillating, I know.  Bear with me, eh?

HINT: Always have one near, and write down ANYTHING that occurs, no matter how small, no matter how insignificant.  You never know when you might need that idea, especially when you’re left with the dreaded WRITER’S BLOCK

Of course, there’s the waking seconds, as the dreams fade.  I really should write them down, but I don’t know how interested people would be in reading about being chased through a shopping mall half naked… 

But even still, its good practice to do this, to write everything down, because, as you go through the process, you never know what will be important to you.  Think of it this way - it is true to say the best things to write are those that we know to be accurate.  Sleep, and subsequently dreams, are a source for free thinking, and working through problems.  Just leave out the absurd bits, unless, of course, that is your oeuvre… 

So, my plans for today?  Usually, here, I would put first what yesterday’s achievements were, based upon my intentions for that day, but, well, this is the first Blog, and yesterday, I spent mostly sleeping.  My intentions for today?  I need to do more MARKETING research, for one.  

HINT: Start learning about MARKETING as soon as you can!  I didn’t, and I’m now catching up.  It is ESSENTIAL to know at least something about the subject, as an Independent Writer, because in the end, its you who has to sell yourself, and your writing.  There could be the greatest Novel ever written sitting on your computer, but if NO ONE knows it exists, well…

Further plans for today is to look into this story I’ve now chosen to work on.  Writing is a process, and that process starts with the PLANNING.  Sure, we can all write off the top of our head, but it’s made so much easier when we plan, don’t you think?  Well, it works for me!

I said this Blog was about the process, the tips, the trials, the tribulations and the process of the independent writer and marketing the same - and the rest.  So what information can I offer you?

I think the main thing I learned is Persona.  That is, it is you, the writer, you are selling, not necessarily the work.  Obviously the work is an extension of you, but for longevity, we need people to want to read our work, to be longing for the next work we do.  That’s taking nothing away from the work itself, of course, but I believe the pleasure should come from the writing, not necessarily the piece of work you are currently working on.  In a way, the work you are currently on is your distraction, from real life, or the ability to say what you want to say, to be heard, or state your philosophy of life, or of a particular genre.  That’s all fine and dandy, and I applaud you for it.  But one must be PASSIONATE of whatever it is you do, be it writing, writing a specific topic, writing Short Fiction, Long Fiction, Poetry, Science Fiction, Romance - whatever it is, do it with PASSION.  And the skill, the plaudits, the money - if these things be important to you - will come.  YOU are selling YOU, and everyone has an audience, even if it’s just yourself.  The main thing is - DON’T PANIC.  It’s a process.  It takes time.  If you want to write to make money, as they say, you’re in the wrong form of writing.  Try Journalism, or something else.  Writing is ultimately rewarding, but getting there is, quite simply, a pain in the arse.  And so is marketing your work.  If this doesn't get you in the least bit tingly, then I suggest you restrict writing to a hobby, do it every now and then, for sh*ts and giggles.

This is by no means all my thoughts.  But this is an introductory Blog, so I don't want to bog you down too much.  Isn’t that nice of me?

So, why did I call my Blog Internal Monologue?  Simple.  We, as writers, spend most of our time inside our own heads, talking to those voices in there, or listening to what our characters are saying, feeling, in order to write it down.  Every writer, in that sense, has multiple personalities, and has conversations with them.  Or is that just me?  No, it’s not just you.  You sure?  Yes.  Oh, okay, thanks…

Yes!  The section you’ve been waiting for!
Need something to do…. instead of writing?
Here we go…

Start a Blog!  It’s great for using up writing time!

Oh, and you could read my books!
Simply type James Warhardy in the Amazon search box, or READ FOR FREE on my site!  Just click on BOOKS on the side there!

And, of course (other than porn…) the most frequently active searches on the net - Social Networking!

…And porn…

HINT: Become active on the key ones, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Google+


Anything Hemingway wrote about writing

On Writing - Stephen King.  It’s a bit self indulgent and preachy for me, so I would not necessarily recommend it for people new to the craft, rather for a new or different way of looking at fiction writing.

HINT: One thing that all people say about writing - READ!  Read alot.  Read what you love, read newspapers, read magazines, read comic books if that’s your thing.  Read this Blog, as it will get better and better, the more I write it.  But - at least read, as much as you write.  It’s important, trust me.

HINT: AVOID blogs that are trying to sell you a book, or some such.  You don’t need them.  Every piece of information I do and will supply you with will be free of charge.  I’m not selling you anything.  I’m just providing information, hints and tips I’ve picked up along the way.  In fact the MOST IMPORTANT piece of information, or a tip, I can give you is to WRITE, then write some more, and keep writing.  It is a skill, is writing.  And any skill needs time to build, no matter how good you think you are.  A writer only learns to write - by writing.  There is no secret, there is no tip anyone can give you greater than WRITE.  A writer writes.  And a Writer Writes To Be Read.  Anyone who says differently is lying.  I lied to myself for over ten years…

Find your voice, no matter what it sounds like.  There is an audience for everything, somewhere.  Just search for ‘Collecting 60’s Red Tiles’ and you’ll see what I mean…

TRUST ME.  When I find blogs or articles that point you the reader and writer to other’s hints and tips, I’ll be sure to post them!  

But for now, I’ll leave you to your own work, and I better get back to mine….

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