Wednesday 9 December 2015

INTERNAL MONOLOGUE: “Poly Genre - Who’s She Then?”

A Blog?  What’s so new about that?  Well, It’s about me, so that makes it unique.
This Blog, or at least the long term intentions of it, are about the process, the tips,  the trials, the tribulations and the process of the independent writer and marketing the same - the pain of the process of writing, organically, and the live process of writing, as it’s being written - the trials of a poly-genre writer and designed for people like me and who like me, people starting and unsure if what they’re doing is okay.  If this doesn't interest you, well, thanks for coming this far, but tara!  Nice to have met you!

Right, for the rest of you, here goes…

You may see some changes in the Blog structure over the next few posts, but, well, it’s an organic process, and we have to expect a certain amount of wiggle room before it finds its place.

Anyhow, onward and upward!

Feedback.  I think it’s something we all need, but the nature of creative writing is that this, invariably, never happens - at least not until either you don’t need it, or it turns into criticism.  But criticism is good.  Just make sure it’s constructive.  Anyone can say something is good or bad.  The truly helpful are those who tell you WHY it’s not working, or what they think is missing.  Of course, we can completely ignore it, but - as Oscar Wilde put it, “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”  Otherwise we feel we are out there, in the wilderness, with our pen and our pad, and no one cares…  People do care, they just need to be more vocal about it, in my opinion.

I decided upon a course of action, of switching to a new idea or story, as expressed in my first Blog, but after much more thought, I decided I should stick with the story in progress.  (I will be more active on LIVE Blogging of my current story, but for the time being.…)  And this is the process I took myself through;

There is a clear thing one must understand - one must finish what they start.  I don't have enough energy in me to keep constantly second guessing myself, hence why I rely on instinctual compulsions - if it feels right, then that’s what I should do. 

First draft.  One should always, at least, write to first draft standard.  When we leave work behind for a new idea, it’s like devaluing the work we’ve put in.  It’s like in a marriage, when one sees a prettier girl, they may be tempted, but don't simply leave with this new girl.  And neither can I.  I put the ring on that story, and I owe it at least seven years.  I may be mixing my metaphors there…

I suppose what I’m saying is - honour it.  Then toss it away if it doesn't give out.  I’m definitely mixing metaphors now.

Oh, we know we can spend hours writing down why this and why that - how do I schedule my time?  Where is my motivation?  Surely I could or should be doing something else?  All great, salient points.  Unfortunately, it’s just another way to procrastinate, my friends.

Focus.  That’s what we need.  Attention.  Though the occasional summation of everything that is being done or needs to be done does bring it into sharper focus, to - well - Focus upon.  On the work at hand.

But the motivation to write when you feel no one cares about your work?  That pound of flesh you place between the pages of your book?  If you’re like me, and like immediate feedback, I have one suggestion - STOP WRITING!  Get the Hell out of Dodge, and don't look back!  Writing is painful, full of regrets, criticism, comments, long lonely nights, hard frustrating days, and NO ONE understands you!  You have to be a special person to take it all.  I think I might be, but it still hurts, it still feels unrewarding - that is until you sell your first book, and you shout to the Heavens - “I AM FINALLY A PUBLISHED WRITER!”  And then you come back to Earth and realise you still have a long, long, long way to go.  As I said, it’s not for everyone.  There are a few of us masochists still about, you know.  So, if you like pain inflicted upon you, or inflicting it upon yourself, then I say, WELCOME!  Pick out a chair and sit over there, in the dark corner, ferreting away at your prose, and don't come out until you’re absolutely bereft of all but the most basic of functions.  And then, guess what?  Yes!  That’s it!  You start all over again!  Huzzah!

HINT: In my opinion, and at least how it works for me, is that writing only constitutes about 40% of the work of a book.  Let me explain it this way - there is a certain amount of time set aside for PLANNING, RESEARCH, and QUIET THOUGHT about the intricacies of what it is you want to say, or express, or describe in the many myriad ways you might prefer.  Then you WRITE.  That’s FIRST DRAFT.  Then you EDIT, DRAFT, EDIT, DRAFT ad nauseam, until you’re happy with it.  Then there’s the REWRITES, the ADDITIONS, a new idea comes to you and you might want to incorporate it into the existing work, or realise it works better with the two ideas melded together.  Writing words into sentences to tell a story is therefore not all of the work, it seems.  A lot of the time is spent guessing, second guessing, third guessing, etc, until you might or might not be happy with it, but you know you simply can’t do any more.  Then you have to SELL YOURSELF, be it as an Independent Writer, or to a Literary Agent or a Publisher.  Of course, if all you care about is writing, and that’s all that interests you, then that's fine and dandy.  If you want to turn it into something people want to read over and over again, and want to spread the good word to others, then, I’m afraid, expect to spend less than half your time ACTUALLY WRITING.  Sad but true.

I had the obligatory idea as I was dropping off to sleep last night.  It was for a story in planning, and it may or may not survive until I actually start writing it.  Let’s be clear, I ain’t going to give my ideas away, obviously, but I do say this as a;

HINT: Just because you’re working on one Novel, Novella, Short Story, etc, doesn’t mean you should ignore other story ideas.  Definitely not.  NEVER ignore a good idea.  There will come a time when you had wished you’d written it down somewhere.  Trust me.  It’s happened to me more times than I care to mention.  Many good ideas have disappeared into the ether, never to be seen or heard of again…

This is now on a dedicated page of its own!  Click HERE to take a gander!

I can tell you, it is a more complicated, more difficult and certainly a self-hamstringing problem, attempting to sell yourself when you aren’t content to stick to one genre.  My Books vary in genre, style and narrator, you see.  I know, I'm like a fart in a colander (something I was often defined as by my Mom when I was younger...).  It’s not that I’m undecided, it’s that when the muse takes me, so to speak, I can’t help myself.  Obviously I’m going to point you to my writing now, but it is my Blog, so…
The point being, I don’t know what to sell myself as - a Science Fiction writer, Historical Comedy writer, Gothic Fairy Tale writer, oh…

BANNER MEN - is darkly comic story of the people of the Droke, a Dystopic world born from the What Came Before.

1644 - is the story set during the English Civil War, of 20 days in the life of Rector Wilfred Posster, a man more in love with himself than Narcissus, more deceitful than Judas, and more horny than a particularly horny creature, that has extra horns and and a sign around it’s neck, saying, “I’m Horny.”

A PAMPHLET FROM THE EMINENT DOCTOR KELVIN OSIRIS ON THE HIDDEN ORIGINS OF THE GALLINIPPER - is a Horror collection of stories, through a fictional Journal Paper, of the many years of dedicated research by the Doctor, to find, translate and collate the numerous Stories, Folk Tales and Urban Legends of a supposed mythical creature, called the Gallinipper.  

CRAVENDISH - is a Comic tale of Cravendish, a man standing barely over six foot six, 43 and still living with his Mother - who only ever wanted to be a Private Detective.  Trouble is he’s stuck in Brayburn, a small Edwardian seaside town.

DAN WARD MAN OF EARTH - is the story of Dan Ward, Man Of Earth, a Captain, a pilot and a daredevil,  Susan Weathers, a reporter and Professor Wilson Bronnstromer, a scientist.  These three people of Earth arrive at a time of invasion, and help to organise the people of White Haven to protect their world - if not for themselves, then for the other Planets within the Solar System.  

DEFENESTRATE THE MASSES - is a Fantasy Fiction, exploring the ideas and motivations of a progressive man stuck in a world full of individuals who are only interested in what they can get.  But what if there was a hero, a superhero, who cared for all?  Edward River and the Rook.  Which one is which?

IN RECOGNITION OF THE GREAT LEVITATING VILLAGE MYSTERY - is the story of Douglas Layton, assistant to Frederick Trent of Trent, Marcus and Trent, Solicitors, five foot seven inches in his sensible shoed, grey socked, grey suited and underwhelming body.  He had received instruction to visit the Village, for some kind of Property Rights signature.  What followed turned out to be a galavanting escapade of gigantic proportions - of murder, of intrigue, of love, of lust, of bravery and honour.  It is a Fantasy/Science Fiction adventure into the life of an ordinary man forced into a world he is in no way prepared for, yet has no choice but to participate in.

PLOTS PILOTS AND PLANS - is a collection of stories in short form, from such varied subjects as the Afterlife, The Four Horsemen and Immortality, amongst many others, that set about exploring the Human Condition, and what it means to be different.

A FINE BLACK SKY - is the FIRST BOOK in the story of Fuscus Praefuscus, nicknamed Kid.  As an infant, he fell out of a window in the North Tower, and somehow lived.  He grew up, however, with scars all over one side of his face and has a leg that hasn't completely grown correctly.  He is to take the role of Chief Advisor when his older Brother, Rapio, succeeds to Lord.  In order to accomplish this, he must first train in the Apprentice Program, and learn what it means to be a man.  This is not  children’s book, though it contains a child as its central character.  It is a Gothic Fairy Tale, in a kind of steampunk world.

THE TIME TRAVELLER - is the story of a Time Traveller, who travels back to see his favourite band in their heyday, back to 1984, just as the Never Defeated Tour with the Rock Band Woodrowe was starting.  It is the story of memories and the desire to change what has happened and make it right this time.  The only trouble is, he doesn't know if he's actually travelled time, or simply lives in a delusion.  But really, in the end - does it really matter?

See what I mean?  I can’t stand still!

To read any of the above stories FOR FREE on the site, go HERE and select your choice!

I suppose the thing is, we are all constantly searching for that voice, the one true voice that resides in our heads and calls itself the Narrator.  Perhaps I’m still looking for him?  And again, it’s all down to that simple process, of writing, writing, and yet more writing.  Sometimes it doesn't matter, and as long as you’re a Celebrity, I suppose you can write any old crap and people will buy it.  What about us hard working writers, who love the craft, work hard, spend long hours, stare out of the windows of life and think, “Seriously?  That kind of rubbish sells?”  That’s my rant over for the day, anyhow.

On the subject of marketing, let me remind you - BLOG, be active on SOCIAL MEDIA.  It’s what I’m doing.

You can contact me on most of the available sites.

Click HERE to go to my CONTACTS page.

Promotion over!

But speaking in terms of marketing, it’s the way things are going.  Everything digital.  The Independent Writer will be King one day, I’m sure.  But I don’t think it will be in its current state.  There are so many different media to tell stories, so many ways to express one’s self and our creativity.  What we do will, one day, be shown in many different ways.  To go into it all here now would take too long, but I am thinking of starting a new Blog soon, in order to express those opinions.  But then, you know what they say?  Opinions are like - well, you know…

This is now on a dedicated page of its own!  Click HERE to take a gander!

So, here’s my last piece of advice for today - RESEARCH.  Do as much as you can, read other’s Blogs, read sites where people give you tips and tricks, read books on the subject.  Learn the MECHANICS of writing, then…. Forget it all.  

Well, not entirely, but once you have that information stored in your mind somewhere, when you actually come to write, it will appear there for you.  Don’t write to a formula.  People can see through that quite easily.  People want to read YOU.  They don't want a rehash of someone else's opinions, thoughts and ideas.  It’s a universal, psychological fact, friends.  Some people might argue that point, but they’d be wrong.  They read YOU, because they want to hear what YOU think, what YOU desire, and so on.

If this has been of any help - don’t keep it to yourself!  Pass it around!  Oh, and read my Books!  

…Only if you want to, of course…

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